[Product Name]
Dourshisha hangar rack single black NGHS-81BK
[Manufacturer Name]
[Manufacturer type]
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[Product Description]
Dourshisha hangar rack single black NGHS-81BK
Size: The width of the width is 81 × Oku, 44 times the height, 90 to 156cm.
Materials and Materials: Body/steel (chrome mecchi and confusing), resin, and vinyl chloride
Country of production: China
Shuto Mean: about 15 suits (shirt, braus and t-shirts), about fifteen (1 on 1 kg) and winter (approximately 5 clothes per landing, equivalent to 5 cm in 1 kg.)
Characteristics: A pipe hanger that can be adjusted to a height of 156cm.
We have received a return from the product for seven days only for the first time in the early period of time.
Usually, you can deliver it from three days to five days.If you have a piece of cloth, you will be delivered to you in about two weeks.